Man wearing safety vest on jobsite with yellow excavators

Embracing a game-changer for estimating teams

June 27, 2024

Successful companies consistently reduce labor costs and enhance quality on jobsites through investments in modern machinery. Similar opportunities exist in…

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Example using Elevation Pro's RockAlert feature

Easily Add Boring Data To Quantify Cut and Fill Calculations

January 3, 2024

In the complex world of construction and excavation, accurately estimating cut and fill calculations by strata is crucial for project…

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Horsepower for the Win!

Horsepower for the Win

December 14, 2023

Well-run companies acknowledge that maximizing office efficiency aligns in the same way as optimizing output on the jobsite -with productive…

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Odometer with word speed

Where Should Your Data Files be Stored For Best Performance? 

September 8, 2022

The SSD drive on today’s high-performance computers provides the high-speed conduit (500 Mb/s+) to provide access to very large PDF…

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InSite Elevation Multipage Alignment

InSite Elevation Multiscreen Takeoff

November 12, 2020

Elevation Pro continues to develop as the eventual upgrade to InSite SiteWork and will be a no-fee upgrade to subscription…

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InSite Elevation Magnetic Line Selection

InSite Elevation Multipage Alignment Preview

September 29, 2020

Here’s A Sneak Peak At Some of the New Features

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InSite Elevation PDF Window

Customizing The PDF Screen

September 6, 2020

First import the image file. InSite Elevation Lite users choose the View menu. InSite SiteWork users choose the Highlighting menu….

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Best Earthwork Estimating Books

The Best Excavation Books We Found

July 6, 2020
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Man in blue shirt and glasses looking laptop screen

5 Steps To Prevent Technology Frustration

April 6, 2020

Run the Most Current Version. Some issues or problems in the software may have been fixed with the most recent…

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Creating a pond with InSite SiteWork

Creating a Pond Using InSite

October 30, 2019

Not all site calculations are done from a set of engineer stamped plans. InSite SiteWork’s offset, slope-to-daylight and line snap…

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